Cancellation Policy
(1) Right of Withdrawal for Consumers
Consumers have a 14-day right of withdrawal.
You may revoke your contractual declaration within 14 days without stating a reason in written form (e.g., letter, fax, email) or – if the item has been delivered to you before the withdrawal period expires – by returning the item. The withdrawal period begins upon receipt of this notice in written form, but not before the goods have been received by the recipient (in the case of recurring deliveries of similar goods, not before receipt of the first partial delivery) and also not before we have fulfilled our information obligations in accordance with Article 246 § 2 in conjunction with § 1 (1) and (2) of the EGBGB, as well as our obligations under § 312e (1) No. 1 BGB in conjunction with Article 246 § 3 EGBGB.
To comply with the withdrawal period, it is sufficient to send the withdrawal notice or return the item in a timely manner. The withdrawal should be addressed to:
Contact Details:
Johannes Musseleck
Home Music Teachers GbR
Lindenweg 26
55299 Nackenheim, Germany
Phone: +49 176 87858065
Email: info[at]
Consequences of Withdrawal
In the event of a valid withdrawal, both parties must return the received services, and any benefits derived (e.g., interest) must be returned. If you are unable to return the received service either partially or fully, or if it is in a deteriorated condition, you may be required to compensate for the loss in value.
For delivered goods, this does not apply if the deterioration is solely due to an inspection of the goods – as would have been possible in a physical store.
To avoid any obligation to pay compensation for any deterioration caused by intended use, refrain from using the goods as if they were your own and avoid anything that could reduce their value.
Items that can be shipped by parcel should be returned at our risk. You must bear the cost of return shipping if the delivered goods match the order and the price of the returned item does not exceed €40.00, or if, in the case of a higher-priced item, you have not yet provided the payment or an agreed-upon partial payment at the time of withdrawal. Otherwise, the return is free of charge.
Non-parcel-shippable items will be collected from you. Obligations for reimbursement of payments must be fulfilled within 30 days. This period begins for you when you send the withdrawal notice or the item, and for us upon receipt.
End of Cancellation Policy
(2) Return Costs
If you exercise your legal right of withdrawal (see Section 1), you must bear the regular return shipping costs if the delivered goods match the order and the price of the returned item does not exceed €40.00, or if, in the case of a higher-priced item, you have not yet provided payment or an agreed partial payment at the time of withdrawal. Otherwise, the return is free of charge for you.